Logo concepts for Cure CMD, an organization that specializes in working with researchers to find a cure for Congenital Muscular Dystrophy.

First concept - type-based logo with an accent shape formed by chromosome-like shapes that form an energy burst or flower representing energy, growth and hope. This logo has a clean, friendly and approachable look. Rounded fonts tie into the organic shapes that make up the energy burst/flower shape and form one cohesive logo mark.

Second concept - focuses on many small things (people/donors) coming together to make something greater (a cure for CMD). The dots in the logo mark come together to form a cohesive, greater icon and an image of a flower is formed out of the many small dots. The flower represents life, growth and hope in regard to finding a cure and gives the logo an approachable, friendly feel while still appearing modern and professional. The subtle dots on the ends of some letterforms echo the dots that form the flower mark and tie the entire logo together.

Design - Diane Tucker
Creative Direction - Ross Wutherich

© Trozzolo Communications Group